Monday, May 25, 2009
What is Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplastia?
Tummy tuck it is operation on a forward wall of a tummy. The form of a belly wall can be very different, characteristic for people of the different age, a different floor. Occurrence of the aesthetic defect representing a kozhno-fatty tuck, can be caused several factors, in which number pregnancy and childbirth, and also other reasons.
To whom operation tummy tuck is necessary?
Usually operation becomes in that case when the tuck from a skin becomes similar to an apron. In a combination to the specified aesthetic defect the excessive quantity of hypodermically-fatty fibra is often observed. This phenomenon is characteristic for area below a navel. Besides quite often it is necessary to observe ageing, an Ageing of a skin of a forward belly wall, a divergence of direct muscles of a tummy. In this case the abdominoplastia is necessary.
What kinds of operations exist?
Today doctors practises two basic types of operations tummy tuck. The first is an abdominoplastia with navel carrying over. The second kind of operations is called as the limited abdominoplastia at which navel carrying over is not required. Navel carrying over is necessary at change of fabrics all walls of a tummy. The limited abdominoplastia is applied at the expressed kozhno-fatty tuck in the bottom parts of a forward belly wall. The given changes in a combination to "extensions" are characteristic for the postnatal period.
What is necessary for operation performance tummy tuck?
That operation tummy tuck has taken place safely, observance of several rules is necessary. The first of them is a positive decision of the patient. Besides it, following steps can become pledge of successful operation:
1-consultation of the doctor of the expert in which course possibility of carrying out of an abdominoplastia in a concrete case is defined. 2-reception of the information on operation process tummy tuck, its features and the postoperative period for acceptance of the correct decision. 3-medical examination of the patient which purpose is definition of a physical condition of the patient and revealing of possible contra-indications.
In case of absence of contra-indications for operation tummy tuck, it is necessary to define day and operation time.
How operation is carried out?
As anaesthesia the general narcosis is applied. The given intervention assumes performance of a cut in the form of onions over a groin hardly above tucks. It allows to hide a postoperative hem under linen. In the course of operation the fatty layer moves downwards, and surpluses leave. After that new position for a navel is created. In case of need muscles of a forward wall of a tummy can be strengthened at an abdominoplastia stage. Imposing of cosmetic seams is the operation closing stage.
The postoperative period
It is necessary to remember, that tummy tuck is a surgical operation. Therefore observance of rules and doctor's instructions during the postoperative period is pledge of fast rehabilitation. Supervision over the patient after operation proceeds within 24 hours. However already next day the patient can leave clinic. But on it the rehabilitation period does not come to an end - its part comes to the end only. After an extract the patient should visit the surgeon of 3 more times in a week throughout two weeks. Bandagings which are absolutely painless will be carried out at this time and occupy not enough time. Also it is necessary to remember, that on the termination tummy tuck to the patient the pump which represents special tubes for removal of a liquid in the field of operation is established. The pump can be removed right after operations or after the lapse of 2-3 days after operation. Seams act in film in two weeks. The special linen is necessary for carrying throughout 1 month, however in 9 days after an abdominoplastia (tummy tuck) you can remove it to take a shower. Consultation at the surgeon is planned for 30 day after tummy tyck.
The moments to which it is necessary to direct attention
1. The definitive decision on operation carrying out tummy tuck is accepted by the patient. Thus the plastic surgeon defines, whether the abdominoplastia basically is possible. Also for the doctor there is a choice of a technique of surgical intervention. Preliminary consultation at the plastic surgeon gives the chance to discuss all nuances of forthcoming operation. 2. The abdominoplastia represents serious enough operation, hence, the state of health of the patient and absence of contra-indications are turning points for definition of possibility of surgical intervention. 3. In the course of operation tummy tuck considerable volumes of fabrics are exposed to moving. In this connection formation of a postoperative hem is inevitable. This circumstance should be considered even, despite minimisation of consequences at the expense of the special technics of suture and an arrangement of a cut which does seams imperceptible. 4. Carrying out tummy tuck is connected with the long rehabilitation period during which strict observance of certain rules is required. Among them necessity of carrying of linen. 5. The postoperative period can be connected with a congestion of a fabric liquid which leaves. The given procedure considerably accelerates process of healing of fabrics and is not accompanied by painful sensations.
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