Monday, May 25, 2009

Tummy Tuck Procedures

Articles tummy tuck procedures and television programs about plastic surgery last years become more and more habitual, and it is natural, that the population became more informed in this question. However usually in similar programs consider only small part of a problem tummy tuck and consequently the majority of people believe, that the plastic surgery is devoted basically to operations on appearance improvement. It is incorrect.

Other widespread reason of errors is the term "plastic surgery". At many people it associates with concept "plastic". Really, artificial materials, such as use silicone, the centres of plastic surgery for a long time, however these materials have no relation to the name "plastic surgery".

On a share of aesthetic surgery tummy tuck it is necessary only one third of plastic surgery. Two thirds fall to the reconstructive surgery concerning in basic questions of the reconstruction of parts of a body, bodies, integuments of the traumas damaged as a result of a various sort and diseases, and also congenital defects of a body. Therefore the plastic surgery is in more degree reconstructive surgery.

The word plastic occurs from Greek, that means to cast in the form. The term "plastic surgery" has been entered in 1798 Desault and has entered into the wide use in 1893 after the publication of book Zeis Handbuch der Plastichen Chirurgie. Thus, the plastic surgery carries out operations, basically connected with displacement or moving of fabrics for creation of new forms.

What is the plastic surgery? The plastic surgery is not limited only to aesthetic surgery. The reconstructive plastic surgery tummy tuck has great value and includes various kinds of operations - from removal of small new growths on a skin before large reconstructive operations on bones and fabrics or restoration of a mimicry of the paralysed person.

More often the plastic aesthetic surgery tummy tuck procedures is a plastic surgery and cosmetology. As examples excessively bulged auricles either a flat breast, or operations on "rejuvenation" by removal of surpluses of a skin and wrinkles can serve correction of congenital deviations in appearance, such, as unusually big nose.

How it is possible to carry two so various disciplines, how aesthetic plastic surgery and reconstructive, to one category? The reason consists that in them use identical or, at least, very similar receptions tummy tuck and methods. For example, the same technics of operation is used for branch and skin moving at carrying out of a face lifting and for allocation of nerves at a paralysis of the person. Besides, such materials as silicone, can be used as in reconstructive plastic operation of a breast concerning a cancer, and for breast increase.

Two these areas of plastic surgery - aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery - fruitfully influence against each other and many other things in the ways. New workings out tummy and methods of plastic aesthetic surgery can be often used for reconstructive operations, and to reconstructive plastic surgery often serve as an impulse for development of aesthetic surgery. Even at carrying out of purely reconstructive operations it is necessary to pay attention to a result aesthetics constantly.

What is the plastic surgery tummy? Prior to the beginning of a century the plastic surgery was mainly reconstructive, generally it served for restoration after traumas and elimination of congenital defects. Division of reconstructive plastic surgery and aesthetic has occurred in the XXI-st century beginning. Between these areas of plastic surgery there is no accurate border, and distinction between them is a question academic.

Surgeons tummy tuck procedures in the centres of plastic surgery work with various fabrics and bodies. Thus, their speciality can be considered as based on certain technics while the majority of other experts in surgery (it is a question not of plastic surgery) usually work with certain bodies or systems of bodies.

Being the expert in plastic surgery, namely in the technician of moving of fabrics tuck and references with them, the plastic surgeon is the important partner for experts in other areas of surgery. To its help resort when after tumour removal, for example, it is necessary to make plastic elimination of the formed defect. It also is reconstructive plastic surgery.

In the majority of the countries there are doctors who, despite lacking special preparation, perform operations tummy tuck on plastic aesthetic surgery. Their arguments usually sound equally: the surgeon not having preparation says, that there is no system of training of aesthetic plastic surgery, and that such speciality is not present. It both the truth, and a lie simultaneously.

The truth consists that such surgical speciality as the plastic aesthetic surgery, does not exist. However it is a part of plastic surgery tummy and should be naturally included in system of training of plastic surgeons. Many plastic surgeons using the international recognition assert, that is difficult to become successful in reconstructive plastic surgery without thorough preparation in plastic aesthetic surgery.

As rapid development of plastic surgery tummy tuck procedures is observed, more and more doctors are compelled to make a choice between reconstructive plastic surgery and aesthetic. In some countries even there are plastic surgeons who carry out only one - two kinds of operations tummy tuck. However all these surgeons should have the general base: thorough preparation both in reconstructive, and in plastic aesthetic surgery.


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