Monday, May 25, 2009

Plastic Surgery Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck - that it for a miracle? Till now, almost decade, it on lips of people. Whether and many know its real face?

When this darling, the thick Italian who was called by Luigis, in the early nineties from a tribune of one of hospitals has told to fifty surgeons as all is easy and simple: one sterile gloves, the usual pump and a set of metal tubes are necessary, - half of audience has left a hall. Still the hall quarter has lost interest to a theme after the seen video film. Remained for any reason did not disperse. To a five have suggested to rise in operational on indicative operation plastic surgery tummy tuck. Interested persons was only three.

surgery tummy tuck became popular in the early eighties thanks to the French surgeon Illouz who was based on the theoretical works of the Swiss published in the late seventies. For more than twenty years' period and a method tummy tuck, and its executors have gone through many conceptual changes. For today metal or plastic tubes (Tubes), but are still used smaller diameter electric, but more capacity. On it similarities come to an end.

There were some ways plastic surgery tummy tuck:
Together with standard, or. As it still name, vacuum, to you will offer ultrasonic, LЕМ-методику, the device "lipomatic".
That all it to understand, let's bring some clearness. To remove fatty cages from hypodermic fibra, it is necessary to spend certain efforts. Fatty cages is not red caviar. Having pierced a skin to wait their eruption it is not necessary. Each cage is entangled by a dense network of arterial, venous, lymphatic capillaries and set of crosspieces, whence they should be got.

For all ways tummy tuck the general is obligatory presence of the vacuum device, or the device creating negative pressure. He can be created as a syringe, and by means of special electric pipes. One more general sign is Tubes presence - a hollow tube, more often metal on which working end there are lateral apertures. Diameter Tubes - from 0,2 to 0,6 sm, On it similarities come to an end.

Tummy tuck has limited enough indications. The main thesis: "the liposuction is not means from adiposity". At adiposity all fatty layer and to do the liposuction of "all body" is a recklessness. Adiposity is treated by other experts and differently. If these problems are not present, a way to the dietician.

To remove it is disproportionate the collected fatty cages tummy from the certain localised zones. For example, the most frequent case - zones "riding breeches" (an external surface of hips), an internal surface of hips, a forward belly wall, a chin etc. it is Thus important, that transitive borders and places of punctures tuck were not appreciable. For this purpose punctures from 0.3 to 0,8 sm have in natural tucks or there. Where they will be always latent by linen. In some cases when the age of the patient is more senior 50 years or that is specific and to younger patients, it is probable to receive surplus of a skin in an operation zone. Therefore it is necessary to choose accurately that way tummy tuck which will eliminate this danger.

Now about specificity of each way plastic surgery tummy tuck
The standard: As on domestic open spaces. And abroad, thank God, loses an urgency. It is possible in very few cases, but very cheap. Because that people leave from an electricity to "manual work", in this case a little that varies. There can be an electricity has come to an end? A joke. In any cases this way is better for alterations of the previous operations.

plastic surgery tummy tuck: assumes consecutive or simultaneous (for modern devices) influence on fatty cages of an ultrasonic wave with Removals of the received fat. Here, as well as next ways, an obligatory component of operation is introduction of a special solution in a zone before Ouse-influence. Devices of first three generations caused powerful thermal effect that led to an original internal burn, extending postoperative having begun to live-lenie. Devices of last generation of such effect have no.

LЕМ - the special device generating a current of certain frequency, submitting a liquid both sucking away it, And all it simultaneously. Instead of Tubes needles to 0,2 sm in diameter are used. The electrode submitting a current, and a needle for liquid Removals are on one handle, as "plug" that creates certain inconveniences for the surgeon. Small diameter of a needle limits possibilities by quantity of deleted fat and extends operation time tummy tuck.
Device "Липоматик" - the special device which promotes Tubes advancement in fabrics for essential simplification of physical expenses of the surgeon. At the same time thus there is no negative influence on a fabric.

This way plastic surgery tummy tuck has incorporated all the best, that surgeons for all time have saved up. In the beginning Klein's same solution, but in a considerable quantity which contains analginum that allows to perform operation under local anaesthesia is entered. The solution essentially increases space that lowers a trauma, that is increases efficiency of operation, shortening time of postoperative rehabilitation.

It is a version plastic surgery tummy tuck its Difference that instead of Tubes long, thin and flexible needles are used. This way is not shown for removal of great volumes tuck. It is necessary to add, that now there are also thin, flexible Tubes.


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