Monday, May 25, 2009

Hysterectomy and Tummy Tuck

Hysterectomy and tummy tuck - surgical treatment of adiposity
Adiposity has accepted today character of epidemic. According to the World organisation of public health services (CART), 1 billion inhabitants of a planet suffer today from excess weight, and 300 million from them - from adiposity. The basic blow of disaster was taken up by the developed countries. In the USA excess weight tummy is fixed at a more part of adult population, adiposity - at its every third representative. In Britain excess weight or adiposity tummy tuck are fixed at a three from each four adults.

Rates of distribution hysterectomy and tummy tuck are comparable with European and American. According to data of Ministry of Health and social development, only with 1999 for 2003 the number sick of adiposity tummy, registered by country medical institutions, has grown on 40 % (from 470 thousand to 665 thousand persons). The quantity addressed for the help apropos tummy tuck has grown for the first time in one and a half time (from 95 thousand to 142 thousand persons a year). Considering, that to the doctor all who experiences the difficulties connected with excess weight and hysterectomy address far not, it is possible to guess the valid scales of illness only.

hysterectomy and tummy tuck essentially worsens quality of a life. At patients with adiposity of heavy degree physical activity is lowered, the general sensation of health suffers, viability is lowered and the painful syndrome is expressed. Adiposity promotes development of serious diseases of cardiovascular system, a gastroenteric path.

If you suffer many years excess weight or adiposity tummy if you many times tried to grow thin, and each time came back to former or even to more weight if your excess weight is the reason of serious problems in your life including problems with health, time has come to solve this problem definitively by means of the strongest and stable method of weight reduction - surgical treatment.

Why more and more patients with superfluous weight tummy tuck choose this way of the decision of the problem? The answer consists that no ways of conservative treatment of adiposity give possibility to lower weight of a body for ever. Practically always after such growing thin the body weight comes back to initial level or even it exceeds. Such return is known and practically inevitable for a long time. So, published recently scientific research from the Great Britain has shown, that is long to keep weight tuck in the lowered condition one percent of people can only! All the others inevitably come back to initial or more weight. A unique way of treatment hysterectomy which gives the chance to solve an excess weight problem at once and for ever, this surgical treatment. For this reason in the USA where adiposity tummy became present epidemic, the surgery is in the lead way of treatment, moreover, Americans do these operations even to children and teenagers.

On the other hand, if at the person is available only 10-15 kg of excess weight tummy tuck, nobody begins it to advise surgical treatment. For such excess weight there are other ways, for example installation in a cylinder stomach. The choice of a correct method of treatment is based mainly on an index of weight of a body which pays off on the basis of growth and weight. You can take advantage of calculator IMT which will calculate your index and will roughly define a way of treatment approaching you.

Now the international standard hysterectomy and tummy tuck in surgical treatment of superfluous weight of a body are imposing of an adjustable ring on a stomach, gastric shunting. Besides, for patients with small excess weight tuck such effective not surgical way Hysterectomy, as cylinder introduction in a stomach is used.

The national Mediko-surgical Center hysterectomy and tummy tuck is leading medical institution in Russia where essential experience of surgical treatment of patients from superfluous weight of a body by means of various methods is saved up. Unlike other medical institutions, even the most difficult operations tummy, for example gastric shunting, are carried out without a cut, through cosmetic punctures under the videocamera control.

On this site you can find the information on these methods of treatment tummy tuck, look the price-list and register in consultation and treatment.


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